Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Three Cups of Tea

Not sure how many of you have read the book Three Cups of Tea. The title comes from a Pakistani proverb: On the first cup you're a stranger, and on the second, a guest. By the third cup of tea, you are family.

I can't help but think of that proverb every time I am back in the store after an extended absence. Seeing all the familiar as well as new faces this weekend made me think about how lucky I am. Your initial visit was as a stranger, the second as a guest and by the third and subsequent visits you are now family.

My bead family has seen me through Rob's illness, his death, Eryn off to college and burying Nikki. I owe you all so much.

Even Helen, the co-owner was a stranger to me until she came to the shop. I can't even begin to imagine where the shop would be without her.

What a wonderful world this bead business is. Thank you all for allowing us to continue to exist. We haven't had to reduce hours, staff or inventory and that's because of you.

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